Grading in Physical Education at Oak Crest is based upon quality and quantity of student participation, along with possible alternative testing measures. Each day a student has the opportunity to earn points for warm-ups, flexibility exercises, cardiovascular and strength training exercises, sport activities, timeliness, and preparation.
An excused absence or parent noteis treated as a missed opportunity for earned participation points and can be made up during the multiple P.E. make-up opportunities offered during P.E. class or at lunch on an arranged day. As a department , we are committed to providing our students opportunities to improve.
Grading Scale:
A= 90% & above B= 80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F= 59.9% & below Physical Education Sport Unit Rubric Descriptions
Rubric grade includes warm-up, flexibility, and strength exercises.
A: 18-20 Points: Excellent. 100% class work completion. Most active. Utilizes entire court or field. Always moving when ball/object is in play. Focused on game. Knows score and rules. Utilizes offense and defense strategies. High intensity.
B: 16-17 Points: Great. 80% class work completion. Active. Participation above satisfactory. Makes many plays. Moves up and down court or field. Plays offense and defense. Focused on game. Knows score and rules. Moderate intensity.
C: 14-15 Points: Satisfactory. 70% class work completion or higher. Makes some plays in game. Does not play either offense or defense. May or may not know score. Knows most of the rules. Activity level is fair. Usually stays in same general area on field or court. May be having unrelated social conversations on field with friend/teammate nearby.
D: 12-13 Points: Unsatisfactory. 60% class work completion. Minimal activity. Little attention to game. Low contribution to teammates. Poor behavior, unrelated socialization, or off task behavior may affect participation. Unclear on rules to game.
F: 11 Points or less: Poor. 60% class work completion. Sits on court or field for any amount of time. Off task and poor behavior may affect participation. Does not know rules or score. Not focused on game. May be having unrelated social conversations. Makes little contribution to team.
Assessments (Timed Runs/Strength/Sport game participation)
Students are assessed on the following:
1) Concept of proper warm-up and cool down 2) Cardiovascular exercise effort 3) Flexibility execution and knowledge of human anatomy 4) Strength training execution and knowledge of proper form 5) Proper execution and understanding of unit game play
Doctor’s Notes and Parent Notes
Notes: A parent note is good for 3 days if specified on the note. After 3 days, a doctor’s note is required (per SDUHSD district policy and the California State Education Code). Please be specific and state what activities your child may participate in and which activities should be avoided. Notes should be turned into the teacher at roll call. Additionally, students who bring an excuse note to miss a fitness assignment must make up the assignment during PE Class "Practice Time" or at an arranged time at lunch.
Students on a long term doctor’s medical excuse do not need to make up the assignments.
All students must use their own assigned lock and locker. All locks must be school issued. If a non school issued lock is found on a locker, it will be cut off immediately. Students are responsible for; learning how to open a school issued combination lock, using and taking care of the lock throughout the school year and returning the lock at the end of the school year. Any lost lock will be charged to the student at the cost of $8.00. This must be paid to the office before a final grade will be given.
Locker Room Expectations
The locker rooms are to be used only to get dressed in PE uniforms and to prepare for class participation.
Locker rooms should not be used for socializing, horseplay, eating/drinking, or any other purpose than to change clothing.
Phone use or picture taking is prohibited in the locker rooms at all times and consequences will be assigned.